Thursday, October 11, 2018

Wayne Simmonds

I was excited when this figure was advertised.  He was 12" and he was a black hockey player.  This is rare.  I ordered the figure.  The figure is not articulated and the disappointing part is that his helmet is not removable. 

I am glad that they are starting make black hockey players.  They have another one in 6" which I will probably order and add to my collection.

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

The New Hair Dolls

Several doll companies have created Black dolls that  have focused on their hairstyles.  These African companies continue to create a variety of dolls  with black features.  I was pleased with most of the dolls  except the Princess Lulu and Princess Linda from Toyi Toyi. These dolls were the same doll accept one had braided hair. My disappointment was because they came in a white boxes together. No info on the company or the dolls.

Princess Naija from  Fico Solutions Nigeria LTD   Queens of Africa from Fico Solutions
                                                                                           Azeezha, NNeka, Wuarola

Nubia Kemita created by Muna Mboa

                                                                 Malaville Dolls by Mala Bryan


    Princess Lulu and Princess Linda from Toyi Toyi

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Gregory Green

I am introducing a a new action figure/fashion doll. 

I am an ex-quarterback with New York Dongola, a profession football team. I won 2 championships rings while I played for about 8 years.  After football , I became an attorney.  My hobbies are playing the Trombone and collecting action figures.

In addition to being an attorney , I owned the Midoli Toy Store.  We featured dolls and action figures.

My story is being told from the year of 2011 when I first open Midoli.  I hope you enjoy my insight into the doll world from this year.